My očima Španělů aneb Erasmus+ na naší škole

Ve dnech 25. – 27. 4. 2023 nás navštívili čtyři učitelé ze španělského městečka Guadix v rámci projektu Erasmus+.
Cílem tohoto projektu bylo prostřednictvím tzv. job shadowingu (metodou pozorování při práci) prozkoumat využití moderních technologií ve výuce na naší škole a načerpat tak inspiraci. Naopak pro naše učitele to byla příležitost k výměně zkušeností se zahraničními partnery a k navázání nové spolupráce zejména ve výuce španělštiny. Celá akce probíhala ve velmi přátelské atmosféře nejen díky zapojeným vyučujícím, ale především díky našim studentům! Co lze dále očekávat? Shodli jsme se, že obě naše školy mají zájem v další fázi zapojit do projektu hlavně studenty a umožnit jim vycestovat a poznat se osobně.
Rozhovor, který jsme vedli v závěrečný den návštěvy, uvádíme níže v autentické podobě v anglickém jazyce.
Naše jižanské partnery zaujala morálka a klid našich studentů v kontrastu s temperamentem, kterému musí čelit na jejich škole. Obdivovali však i velkou míru svobody studentů, která se projevila nejen v ukázkových hodinách, ale byla několikrát diskutována i v nezávazných rozhovorech při mimoškolním programu, který jsme si pro naše hosty připravili.
Věřím, že řada bodů uvedených v rozhovoru potěší nejen vyučující, ale i studenty, kteří se o velmi kladné hodnocení zasloužili především!
Příloha – rozhovor:
1. Why have you chosen the Czech Republic for your Erasmus+ project?
We were looking primarily for a country with a similar education system to ours because we wanted to see some synergies, something we can implement into our teaching methods after the project is over. That is why we did not aim at England or Germany because their systems of education are much different. Our headmaster Juan also visited the Czech Republic 4 years ago during his holiday, so the Czech Republic was an easy choice!
2. How do you evaluate the communication and preparation with our school before your visit?
The preparation phase was great. We really appreciated a well designed agenda and having a chance to meet our Czech project members online via Skype before we arrived in the Czech Republic.
3. What was your first impression when you walked into our school on the first day?
Our students in Spain are much louder, lively… The first impression when we walked through the corridors was that Czech students are much calmer, well disciplined. Something we can hardly imagine in Spain. Czech students are so well organized and respect their timetables. Our students usually stay in one classroom the whole day.
4. Is the overall atmosphere at school somehow different from your school in Spain?
In the German lesson we visited in your school (performed by Jan Prager), students were allowed to use their phones during their team work on presentations. In Spain, it is strictly prohibited to use the phones at schools. However, we realized that using phones really contributed to their work well so we might consider changing our policy in the end too. Students seemed to be much more relaxed when they are allowed to use their phones etc. In a summary, it is not only about phones but generally about all kinds of rules we impose on our students in Spain. The self-control of your students seems to be on a higher level.
5. What did you enjoy in the lessons you visited? Any highlights?
We really liked the idea that in some of the classes, the students were the main characters, not the teachers. The teacher stepped into background and students were learning in their own way through experiments etc. Students really enjoyed this kind of freedom.
6. Were any activities really new for you (something you do not usually do in Spain)?
We would like to point out the geography class (performed by Petr Korda). It was really interesting to see how you can combine different subjects, like geography and IT, in one lesson.
7. Would you recommend any activities to us (based on your experience from your school)?
Our students in Spain start to develop their skill of delivering presentations much earlier, at the age of 5 or so. They seem to be used more to this skill and are more confident in it. We also shared some of the videos with you to demonstrate this.
8. How did you enjoy your own presentation for our students in the hall and the city tour of Beroun with our students after that?
Overall, it was very nice. However, your students seemed to be a little bit ashamed during our presentation at school. On the other hand, in the city, it was the exact opposite and the students got much closer to us, so we really enjoyed a way more relaxed atmosphere. Hopefully, this nice activity contributed to boosting the self-confidence of your students in their Spanish language. They really did a great job!
9. Would you like to continue the cooperation with our school after this week´s kick-off? Do you have any specific ideas?
Yes, absolutely! We could continue doing this project not only as teachers but mainly with students as well. We would appreciate a chance of exchange visits. We already discussed some specific activities with Romana Henčová and Martina Popelářová.
10. Any highlights from your free time (what did you like about the Czech Republic/ Prague/ Beroun)?
Beer, of course! We learned a lot about the history during our sightseeing in Prague. We were impressed by different cultural styles. In comparison with Spain, you have a lot of green areas there. Beroun is a very clean city, our cities in Spain do not usually look like this... And we also noted that your timetable for eating out is much different! We are used to having dinner at 9 or 10 in the evening but it was a problem here because everything was closed at that time.